Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Retiring The Old Format

Drive Shaft Lives!

Everyone wants to know how the final season of LOST will wrap up. What can we expect? Executive producer Carlton Cuse says, "The time travel season is over. The flash-forward season is over. We have something different planned."
Here are a few clues to what's coming: Executive producer Damon Lindelof says the final season will address the origin of the food drop from Season 2. A fake episode of America's Most Wanted was screened for Comi-Con fans showing host John Walsh narrating the true crime story of Kate Austen. Kate, it was revealed, didn't kill her step-father, plumbing company owner Wayne Jannsen, as viewers believed. In his narration, Walsh said, "Fate would intervene on this tragic evening. Having made an earlier date with his wife, Janssen instead sent his apprentice, Ryan Milner, to lock up in his place. As Austen had devised, the building went up in a violent ball of flames. But it was Ryan who would perish inside instead of her intended target. Austen was detained for the murder of Ryan Milner before violently escaping the custody of the U.S. Marshall. She's on the run to this day. Federal authorities consider her armed and very dangerous."
Jorge Garcia believes that bringing Dominic Monaghan out on stage during the Comi-Con panel pretty much confirmed his involvement in Season 6. [In the photo, above, Dom appears at Comi-Con with "Am I Alive?" written on the palm of his hand.]
Former cast member Adawale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko) was also at Comi-Con promoting his film, "G.I. Joe" and, according to a source, had hoped to hang out backstage with his former co-stars. But that did not happen. Still, Jorge sensed that Adawale got the strongest applause during an In Memorium reel that played, saluting all the slain characters. "He got an incredible cheer," says Jorge. "He definitely stood out." A promo image for the new season revealed all the show's characters (both dead and alive) lined up in a long row. John Locke is in the center, with his back turned toward us, looking over his shoulder. Josh Holloway told me his thoughts on the placement: "I guess Locke's become Satan. I've really enjoyed his sudden change into becoming the evil guy."
Josh was most excited to hear the news that Elizabeth Mitchell would be back in some way. "Juliet coming back is exciting," he says. But if Juliet returns only as a corpse, Josh says it would have a horrible effect on Sawyer. "It would destroy him. It would bring him right back to where he started. I love that idea of ripping off all his growth and getting back to Sawyer, the salty dog. But I imagine then he'll have to get back to wanting to live again." Elizabeth Mitchell has been under a gag order not to speak ever since LOST's seasonfinale aired in May. But she finally broke her silence with me. "What happened at the very end of the season is they told me that the character of Juliet had reached a natural conclusion," says Liz. "It was very sudden, but I said 'Okay,' thinking that was the end of it. People knew I was available and I got a bunch of scripts. I fell in love with V and said I would do it. It was really crazy because I wasn't planning on jumping back into another series. And then LOST's La Fleur episode aired and the fan response was really good, so then LOST called again, and that's what I can't talk about. It's possible Juliet's just dead, but I think it's going to be a little bit more than that. I hope that when she comes back she can give Sawyer a really good reason for going on. What I really want is to have a big old fight with Ben, but that will probably never happen. But we will definitely see her again. They haven't really told me how many episodes I'll be doing but ABC said they'd work it out. They did when I was shooting the V pilot. I literally did four days of V, four days of LOST, four days of V."
Michael Emerson has spent his hiatus wondering if the character seen sitting next to Jacob on the beach in the season finale will be related to Esau, a character from the Old Testament. "Jacob is like a character of light and goodness and Esau was more earth-bound, more a creature of the dirt and darkness," Emerson explained to me. "There's biblical themes in our show. Whether they want to establish any direct parallel to Jacob and Esau remains to be seen."
Nestor Carbonell is not surprisingly "thrilled" to be joining the cast as a series regular. "My family and I are moving to Hawaii next week," he told me. "I've been flying back and forth so this is a big thrill for us. I have a 16 out of 18 episode commitment, so I'll be on the island when they need me. They've told me they'll answer the major questions about my character Richard—whether or not I'm immortal, how old I am. Because I don't seem to age." He says he believes his character is connected to the Black Rock pirate ship and perhaps, Ancient Egypt. "I'm most anxious to find out who's pulling the strings on this island."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Long Overdue Reply to Susan's Questions About the S5 Finale
Susan's comments are in black, and mine are directly below in pink. She brings some great perspective to issues! As fans, what do you think? Do you agree or disagree?
S: I told you once but will remind you in case you forgot that the NAME Jacob (Ya'acov in Hebrew) has a meaning. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel, and his name is explained as meaning "holder of the heel." Now we see that Jacob lives in a foot! MY question is to know if the other guy is Esau.
K: I think the Jacob scenario definitely has biblical significance, but LOST never makes that connection outright – they leave it to the viewer and their own perceptions and frame of reference. Because of your background, you take a totally different perspective on the story than I do. So it gives something to everyone without preaching. LOST creators also know that the fan base is very interactive, so I’m sure they theorize that we talk to each other and put the pieces together with each other’s help. I hope they will define who both men were, but with “the war” coming, that will (purposefully) become less important as other Q&A comes to the forefront.
S: I still have of course a million questions. The primary one, which we all have is I suppose - if Juliet really did kick off the bomb - was Miles right and that WAS the incident (I don't think so) or does that mean everything is restarting for everyone and that means Jacob is NOT dead.
K: My problem with the Juliet scenario is that everyone thinks only she is dead. If that bomb went off, and it somehow did not destroy the island, they’re all dead – not just Juliet. If it did destroy the island – and the Oceanic flight never crashed – then Juliet is probably mourning her sister somewhere and she and Sawyer will never meet. But in my opinion, that’s not likely. Elizabeth Mitchell is slated to return for an unspecified number of episodes in the last season, and there’s more of her story to tell. Perhaps the bomb created a situation somewhere between the two scenarios. If they had, indeed, done this all before, maybe they didn’t get something quite right and will have to do it all again in the hopes of fixing the past. Consider this: IF the island was destroyed in the past, Jacob goes away, Richard goes away, the smoke monster goes away, and these questions are never answered. The Oceanic flight never crashes, and the story ends. Something must happen to fill another season and fill in all of these blanks. I, personally, will feel very cheated if we don't get to see a reunion between Sun & Jin.
Also, if you remember back to the first Orientation video that they found, Miles’ dad refers to “the incident.” So he survives it – meaning that the island is still intact after the explosion. But wasn’t it the Swan the station they were building when this occurred? In the future (our present), the Swan is completed and the blast door map shows another station cut off from the rest of the Dharma hatches because of an incident. {For an interactive version of this map, go here: http://www.lost4815162342.com/blastmap/.} Perhaps this is indicative of the LOSTies reliving the story over and over again in an attempt to get it right? Maybe “the incident” occurs at a different point each time?
S: Why did Jacob allow Sayid's wife to die? That was the only negative about his visits.

K: I think the Jacob scenario definitely has biblical significance, but LOST never makes that connection outright – they leave it to the viewer and their own perceptions and frame of reference. Because of your background, you take a totally different perspective on the story than I do. So it gives something to everyone without preaching. LOST creators also know that the fan base is very interactive, so I’m sure they theorize that we talk to each other and put the pieces together with each other’s help. I hope they will define who both men were, but with “the war” coming, that will (purposefully) become less important as other Q&A comes to the forefront.
S: I still have of course a million questions. The primary one, which we all have is I suppose - if Juliet really did kick off the bomb - was Miles right and that WAS the incident (I don't think so) or does that mean everything is restarting for everyone and that means Jacob is NOT dead.
K: My problem with the Juliet scenario is that everyone thinks only she is dead. If that bomb went off, and it somehow did not destroy the island, they’re all dead – not just Juliet. If it did destroy the island – and the Oceanic flight never crashed – then Juliet is probably mourning her sister somewhere and she and Sawyer will never meet. But in my opinion, that’s not likely. Elizabeth Mitchell is slated to return for an unspecified number of episodes in the last season, and there’s more of her story to tell. Perhaps the bomb created a situation somewhere between the two scenarios. If they had, indeed, done this all before, maybe they didn’t get something quite right and will have to do it all again in the hopes of fixing the past. Consider this: IF the island was destroyed in the past, Jacob goes away, Richard goes away, the smoke monster goes away, and these questions are never answered. The Oceanic flight never crashes, and the story ends. Something must happen to fill another season and fill in all of these blanks. I, personally, will feel very cheated if we don't get to see a reunion between Sun & Jin.

S: Why did Jacob allow Sayid's wife to die? That was the only negative about his visits.
K: Why is anyone allowed to die? Perhaps that had to happen as it was the only way to get Sayid back to the island? Or maybe it was to harden him and fill him with enough grief and rage to shoot little Ben? These things had to happen to get the story where it was, and Jacob knew this.
S: We did not see him interacting with Juliet, except we know that her husband was hit by a bus before she came to the island.
K: They only showed Jacob interacting with the Oceanic passengers – Juliet was never on the plane. So the characters had not only crossed each other’s paths, but Jacob’s as well. Gives credibility to the theory that ending up on that island truly was their destiny. Juliet was brought to the island by Richard and Ethan. I’m still not sure which side they’re on.
S: And how are there now three powers (Jacob, the other guy AND the monster)?
K: I really need someone to explain the whole smoke monster concept to me before this is all over with! Last season we saw that it could definitely take human form (in the case of Ben’s daughter … we had seen snippets of this with Eko’s brother, but didn’t know what we were seeing at the time). We have seen it punish Eko and Keamy’s men – so why let Ben get away with heinous things over and over again? We have seen it appear out of nowhere, “read” people, and be stopped by the Others’ security fence. We know that it lives underground and can be summoned. Theoretically, we have also seen it create evil “copies” of people for its own purposes (Rousseau’s boyfriend and John Locke). And we have also been lead to believe that it somehow saved Ben’s life … perhaps creating a soul-less copy of him?
I don’t see Jacob and the man from the beach as “powers.” I think they are the yin and yang of the universe … kind of like the light and dark backgammon pieces Locke showed Walt in the pilot episode. {Take another look at this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn-g8OmkEIE&feature=player_embedded.} What do you think Locke’s “secret” is? Wouldn’t it be wild if Walt and Locke became the new Jacob and [Esau]??
S: Why can't children be born on the island?
K: Children were able to be born on the island at one time. Ethan was born there, and apparently so was Daniel Faraday. There are swing sets at the Others camp, but we never see the children – not even the ones taken from the Oceanic survivors. Ben said he was born there, but we know that he wasn’t. More credibility to the theory that soul-less Ben was “born” in the smoke monster’s lair … or maybe Ben’s just lying again! Ha! I think “the incident” changed something. But Claire’s child and Sun’s are both safely off the island. If they return, it will change the way the story repeats as they were not there the first time.
S: They keep saying there is a war coming.
K: The war is for control. Jacob vs. [Esau]? Widmore vs. Ben? Good vs. evil? Who knows? What is in the shadow of that statue that will supposedly save them all? And once the statue becomes nothing more than a foot, does that mean that they can no longer be saved?
S: What does Widmore want?
K: Widmore seems to want what Ben has – primarily, the island.
S: What does Eloise want?
K: Eloise seems to want the same thing Richard wants. Unfortunately, we don’t know what that is. She is also willing to sacrifice her son to get it.
Perhaps she thinks she will get Daniel back (she may) in this way and that it was the only way to have him NOT die.
S: Would Penny ever have been born?
K: Who is Penny’s mother? She was not born on the island, so as long as Widmore is banished from there, it’s likely that Penny would always have existed. Why does Ben go after Penny, but not Daniel in his revenge for Alex’s death? When Ben says, “He changed the rules,” does that mean that he and Widmore have done all this before and Alex did not die before?
S: The tapestry that Jacob is weaving is consequential to me as it seems that each thread is a person/individual. We all count.
K: Yes, very significant.
And the whole question for Ben was about Free Will. "What about You" means to me - "Who do you want to be(come)?" The show has always had religious overtones.
I don't like it though if the other guy is in some way, Satan. I don't like it if it presents a dual diety situation. Jacob, by the way, had his name changed to Israel after his own encounters with God. Still in the Bible his name goes back and forth because none of us can be in that place all the time.
S: I am wondering what Ilana (Israeli name but not an Israeli accent) said when Richard answered by raising his hand and walking forward.
K: What lies in the shadow of the statue?
"Ille qui nos omnes servabit" >>> loosely translates to “That which will save us all” or “He who will protect us all.”
S: I thought Roger was Ben's father, and we saw him wearing his own uniform as it was he who shot Sayid....although yes.
K: He could have more than one uniform. This is just a rumor, though. Sayid wearing the Roger Workman uniform could be completely false. There is a similar rumor that you can see a LaFleur uniform on one of the corpse’s in the Dharma mass grave where Ben shot Locke.
S: And how are there now three powers (Jacob, the other guy AND the monster)?
K: I really need someone to explain the whole smoke monster concept to me before this is all over with! Last season we saw that it could definitely take human form (in the case of Ben’s daughter … we had seen snippets of this with Eko’s brother, but didn’t know what we were seeing at the time). We have seen it punish Eko and Keamy’s men – so why let Ben get away with heinous things over and over again? We have seen it appear out of nowhere, “read” people, and be stopped by the Others’ security fence. We know that it lives underground and can be summoned. Theoretically, we have also seen it create evil “copies” of people for its own purposes (Rousseau’s boyfriend and John Locke). And we have also been lead to believe that it somehow saved Ben’s life … perhaps creating a soul-less copy of him?
I don’t see Jacob and the man from the beach as “powers.” I think they are the yin and yang of the universe … kind of like the light and dark backgammon pieces Locke showed Walt in the pilot episode. {Take another look at this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn-g8OmkEIE&feature=player_embedded.} What do you think Locke’s “secret” is? Wouldn’t it be wild if Walt and Locke became the new Jacob and [Esau]??

K: Children were able to be born on the island at one time. Ethan was born there, and apparently so was Daniel Faraday. There are swing sets at the Others camp, but we never see the children – not even the ones taken from the Oceanic survivors. Ben said he was born there, but we know that he wasn’t. More credibility to the theory that soul-less Ben was “born” in the smoke monster’s lair … or maybe Ben’s just lying again! Ha! I think “the incident” changed something. But Claire’s child and Sun’s are both safely off the island. If they return, it will change the way the story repeats as they were not there the first time.
S: They keep saying there is a war coming.
K: The war is for control. Jacob vs. [Esau]? Widmore vs. Ben? Good vs. evil? Who knows? What is in the shadow of that statue that will supposedly save them all? And once the statue becomes nothing more than a foot, does that mean that they can no longer be saved?
S: What does Widmore want?
K: Widmore seems to want what Ben has – primarily, the island.
S: What does Eloise want?
K: Eloise seems to want the same thing Richard wants. Unfortunately, we don’t know what that is. She is also willing to sacrifice her son to get it.
Perhaps she thinks she will get Daniel back (she may) in this way and that it was the only way to have him NOT die.
S: Would Penny ever have been born?
K: Who is Penny’s mother? She was not born on the island, so as long as Widmore is banished from there, it’s likely that Penny would always have existed. Why does Ben go after Penny, but not Daniel in his revenge for Alex’s death? When Ben says, “He changed the rules,” does that mean that he and Widmore have done all this before and Alex did not die before?
S: The tapestry that Jacob is weaving is consequential to me as it seems that each thread is a person/individual. We all count.
K: Yes, very significant.
And the whole question for Ben was about Free Will. "What about You" means to me - "Who do you want to be(come)?" The show has always had religious overtones.
I don't like it though if the other guy is in some way, Satan. I don't like it if it presents a dual diety situation. Jacob, by the way, had his name changed to Israel after his own encounters with God. Still in the Bible his name goes back and forth because none of us can be in that place all the time.
S: I am wondering what Ilana (Israeli name but not an Israeli accent) said when Richard answered by raising his hand and walking forward.
K: What lies in the shadow of the statue?
"Ille qui nos omnes servabit" >>> loosely translates to “That which will save us all” or “He who will protect us all.”
S: I thought Roger was Ben's father, and we saw him wearing his own uniform as it was he who shot Sayid....although yes.
K: He could have more than one uniform. This is just a rumor, though. Sayid wearing the Roger Workman uniform could be completely false. There is a similar rumor that you can see a LaFleur uniform on one of the corpse’s in the Dharma mass grave where Ben shot Locke.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Flash Forwarding

A mysterious global event causes everyone to simultaneously experience, for two minutes and seventeen seconds, his or her life six months in the future. When they wake up from the "flash forward," everyone is left wondering if what they saw will actually happen. Many are dead in accidents involving vehicles, aircraft, and any other device needing human control.
A Los Angeles FBI agent named Mark Benford tries to figure out what exactly happened and why it happened. (Say it with me people: Hanso.) Along with his team, he creates a database of people's flash forwards from around the world called the Mosaic Collective (for which an interactive website has, of course, already been launched - check it out here: www.themosaiccollective.com).
A Los Angeles FBI agent named Mark Benford tries to figure out what exactly happened and why it happened. (Say it with me people: Hanso.) Along with his team, he creates a database of people's flash forwards from around the world called the Mosaic Collective (for which an interactive website has, of course, already been launched - check it out here: www.themosaiccollective.com).
It also just happens to star Sonya Walger (LOST's Penny) and Dominic Monaghan (Charlie).
And new ads identify its premier date as September 24, the same day as the Oceanic crash.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Emmy Nods
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Writer Sues Over LOST Concept
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