Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Death Is Coming on LOST

TV Guide confirms that one of these characters will be the next to go -- Ben, Sawyer, Daniel, Jin, or Miles.

"Inside sources spill that a major character death is coming—and that the person who is leaving the show was not the first to know. Here's what I can tell you about this death:
* A current series regular is getting killed before the end of season five.
* The character who will die is someone who is much-loved by many of you fans.
* This is a real leaving-the-show death, à la Shannon or Charlie, not a quick-fix time-travel death like Jeremy Bentham/John Locke.

And a source close to the show tells me that the person who's being killed off just learned of their character's fate late last week, and the news hit hard. "Unfortunately, [he or she] found out after the script treatments were sent out to some of the crew on the set," says my source. "So it wasn't the best timing."

As for the timing of when this death will happen onscreen, I can only tell you that while the character's end is still a ways out, it will go down this season."

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